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Out of my personal collection, IS NEW OLD stock, UNFIRED COLT National Match 45 acp.Semi rare LARGE LETTER SLIDE! This gun has sat for the last 47 years in the safe.This
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We have a as New Wilson combat CQB ELITE in 45 acp. this is a full size gun. This gun was purchased in 2012. This has been fired 3 clips worth...,and has been a nightstand gun since.NEVER carried... a
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We have NEW OLD STOCK a New Wilson combat X TAC compact. gun is in popular 9M/M cartridge. This gun
it has round butt
has all from Wilson Combat incl.
a super nice set of French Walnut grips, this
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Another super COLT out of my personal collection. I have had this for years. Colt python made in 1963 6" barrel. Gun absolutely 100% original,including grips. NO box or paperwork.GUN ONLY. finisg
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We are parting with a as NEW UNFIRED
Springfield Armory M1A National Match. This has been a safe queen for many years. This was purchased new and put up. Never had fired it. This was made
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THIS IS THE LAST PRICE DROP! JUST back from wilson, a super wilson CQB commander 45 acp, in 99+ condition.. this gun is just broken in. less than 400 . a super trigger, and upgrades. It now has
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