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This Smith & Wesson M640 is a five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Mag. This steel-framed personal defense revolver features a 2.1-inch barrel adorned with a notch rear sight and a blade front sight. Textured black polymer grips with shallow finger grooves ensure a secure grasp on the easily concealed M640. This package includes two extra sets of grips.
This Smith & Wesson M640 is a five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Mag. This steel-framed personal defense revolver features a 2.1-inch barrel adorned with a notch rear sight and a blade front sight. Textured black polymer grips with shallow finger grooves ensure a secure grasp on the easily concealed M640. This package includes two extra sets of grips.
This Smith & Wesson M640 is a five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Mag. This steel-framed personal defense revolver features a 2.1-inch barrel adorned with a notch rear sight and a blade front sight. Textured black polymer grips with shallow finger grooves ensure a secure grasp on the easily concealed M640. This package includes two extra sets of grips.
This Smith & Wesson M640 is a five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Mag. This steel-framed personal defense revolver features a 2.1-inch barrel adorned with a notch rear sight and a blade front sight. Textured black polymer grips with shallow finger grooves ensure a secure grasp on the easily concealed M640. This package includes two extra sets of grips.