#100956, Tom Shelhamer 375 H&H Complete and Total Engraved #19 Magnum Mauser Single Square Bridge Action; It was made for 1950's Gun Writer Mr. Peyton Autry and he did an entire article on this very rifle in the 1953 Gun Digest along with 6 photos, 25" 1 in 14" twist Pfeifer Premium Grade barrel, A band front ramp from a Jeffery Farquharson, Barrel band sling eye, Fully Engraved Lyman 48 Receiver sight, The single square bridge magnum action is #100956 and was made in 1929, This action started life as a 350 Rigby Magnum rifle, Every serial number everywhere matches, Correct pear shaped bolt handle that is fully engraved, Un-cut and fully engraved Single Square Bridge, A fully engraved receiver ring that was never drilled or tapped, A complete engraved Mauser magazine box with a straddle hinged floorplate with a center bow release with the correct serial number, The entire bottom metal is engraved with a very accurate Grizzly and hunter, Engraved trapdoor grip cap, The barrel cylinder is accurately engraved with 2 fighting Bull Elk, Engraved barrel band sling eye and engraved at the front ramp, To state Peyton Autry "The engraver prefers not to become too well known for fear he will be deluged with work he cannot do, therefore the author regrets he cannot divulge his name, except to say that he is an unquestioned artist." That is an understatement as this is superb, well cut, and very accurate engraving, The French Walnut stock blank Shelhamer used came from England via Don Hopkins, No cheekpiece, Horn forend tip, Sling eye on the buttstock line, Point pattern checkering on both the grip and forend at 24 lines to the inch, Shelhamer could cut checkering as good as anyone that ever checkered a stock, A crossbolt at the recoil lug, 9 lbs. 3 oz., 14 1/8" LOP over a trapdoor Rigby buttplate cut inside for 2 spare cartridges, This super piece is totally original, It totally appears it never went on a hunt, I am quite certain it might be unfired as it appears as such, The bore is excellent plus and for all practical purposes I would call it new. This is one exceptional 1950's Classic American custom-built rifle with superb engraving. The style, workmanship, craftsmanship and full attention to detail is beyond reproach. The metal polishing outside and on the inside is very well done and the stock inletting inside is clean and cut with detail.
Mr. Tom (Thomas) Shelhamer was already a stockmaker in 1920, he was hired in 1924 by Niedner Rifle Barrel Co. as their first and only stocker. Shelhamer stamped his stocks with his grandfather's stamp "T. SHELHAMER", especially after he went on his own when Niedner closed after WWII. This stock is stamped with that very stamp under the steel buttplate along with the # 1103. Shelhamer kept meticulous records. The great researcher on pre-1940 American custom gunmakers, Mr. Michael Petrov, started "A Shelhamer Letter" to be available for those interested in his work. I would love to know if it exists and where it could be, even if unfinished. Shelhamer passed away May 6, 1971, in Dowagiac, Michigan, the home of Niedner Rifle Co. Joe Pfeifer was a custom barrel maker/rifle builder in the 50's and operated Pfeifer Rifle Company in Roscoe, California.
Curio/Relic: Yes
Rifle Caliber: .375 H&H Magnum