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This Winchester was produced in 1905. The carbine's serial number is 352880. This Winchester has the standard 20 inch carbine barrel chambered for the 32 W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is bright with fine ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD   The Remington barrel date is 9 43. The rifle's serial number is 4032548. This rifle has the standard 24 inch military barrel chambered for the 30 Government 1906 cartridge 30 06 . Th ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD   This Remington's barrel date is 1940. The Shotgun's serial number is 41314. The barrel is the standard 23 1/2 inch barrel that is a Routledge style Counter bored smooth bore barrel fo ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1941. The shotgun's serial number is 53842. This early Winchester has the counter bored 24 inch round barrel. The gun is chambered to shoot 22 long rifle shot shells on ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1931. The pistol's serial number is 507753. It has the standard 3 3/4 inch barrel chambered for the 32 A.C.P. cartridge. The bore is in minty condition. This Colt shows very ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD     This Winchester was produced in 1899. The carbine's serial number is 167048. This carbine has the standard 20 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 44 W.C.F. 44 40 cartridge. Th ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD   This Rare Winchester was produced in 1958. The rifle's serial number is 288405. The barrel is the standard 24 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 22 Short, Long and Long Rifle cartridg ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This 98k by Gustlof Werke was produced in 1944. The rifle's serial number is 9730 f. The receiver top has the bcd code for Gustlof Werke  and the number 4  for the date of 1944. The 24 inch ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Mauser rifle is dated 1943. The rifle's serial number is 32701 a. This gun has the standard 24 inch barrel chambered for the German 8 M/M service round. The bore is bright and minty looking. This ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced around March of 1943. The carbine's serial number is 1096621. This carbine is one of the first carbines to not have a barrel date on the barrel. The bore is minty and brig ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt 1911 A1 was produced in 1931. The pistol's serial number is C 160367. This pistol is the standard Government Model chambered to shoot the 45 A.C.P. cartridge. This Colt shows some very ligh ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1908 when Howard Taft became president of the United States. The pistol's serial number is 305358. This Colt has the 7 1/2 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 32 W.C.F. 32 20 ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD    This Colt was produced in 1929. The pistol's serial number is C 157422. This pistol is a standard Government Model 1911 A1 chambered for the 45 A.C.P. cartridge. This Colt is in new ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Ruger Carbine was produced in 1997. The carbine's serial number is 740 00142. This gun is fitted with a 20 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 44 Remington Magnum cartridge. This carbine is in new ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1980. The pistol's serial number is SA 35589. It has the 7 1/2 inch barrel Chambered to shoot the 44 W.C.F. 44 40 And the 44 Smith & Wesson ammunition. The barrel is ma ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is a full sealed box of 45 70 Government Ammunition for the Trap Door Springfield rifles. This box is also marked U.S. Property. This box has the intact pull string to open the box. The box is in ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is a full box of 32 Smith & Wesson Ammunition. These Winchester shells were produced around 1912. The Label and graphics are in very fine condition. The seals are intact but opened. These Pic ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is an original High Standard Magazine for their 22 Pistols. This magazine is in very fine original condition. M.R Consn. (12) F. No. 742 24 ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is an original Mauser Style Commercial Magazine for the Luger pistol 1930's style. This magazine is in almost new condition. It will work for the 9 m/m Luger Parabellum ammunition. M.R. Consn. ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is a war time Walther produced magazine for their P. 38 pistols. It has the correct Eagle 359 stamped on the magazine back spine. The floor plate is not serial numbered. This magazine is service ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This is an original Colt first series Woodsman Magazine. This Magazine is the second style two tone magazine. The floor plate Is marked CAL. 22 COLT. This magazine is in fine serviceable condition and ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1886. The rifle's serial number is 200972. This rifle has the 24 inch round barrel chambered to shoot the 32W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is in very nice condition with go ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD    This Marlin Rifle's serial number is 254814. The 24 inch octagonal barrel is chambered to shoot the 32 40 W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is in very fine bright condition. The sights appe ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Marlin's serial number is 4301 C. This carbine has the 20 inch barrel chambered for the 30 30 cartridge. The bore is in good to very good condition. The sights are original to this carbine. The o ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Marlin Model 336 Carbine's serial number is S 7934. The 20 inch barrel is chambered for the 35 Remington cartridge. The bore is in very fine condition with no issues. The sights are original to t ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD     This Marlin Model 1894 Carbine's serial number is 23150233. It has the 20 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 44 Magnum cartridge. The bore is in minty condition. This Carbine's ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD    This Marlin Model 1894's Serial number is 20124696. This carbine has the 18 1/2 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 357 Magnum cartridge. The bore is in minty condition. The sights ar ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1892 In first year of production. The rifle's serial number is 2808. The rifle has the 24 inch octagonal barrel chambered for the 32 W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is in br ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt's frame serial number dates to 1874. The pistol's serial number is 7894. This Colt has the proper 5 1/2 inch Artillery barrel. The bore is in surprisingly very good or better condition. The ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Bisley Model Colt was produced in 1903. The pistol's serial number is 241964. It has the 5 1/2 inch Bisley barrel chambered to shoot the 32 W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is in excellent condition wi ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Bisley Colt was produced in 1901. The pistol's serial number is 219866. This Colt has the correct 5 1/2 inch Bisley barrel chambered for the 45 Colt cartridge. The bore is in good condition with ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1909. The pistol's serial number is 308723. It has the 5 1/2 Inch barrel chambered to shoot the 38 W.C.F. cartridge. The bore is in good to very good condition having a brigh ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1901. The pistol's serial number is 216292. This Colt is chambered for the 45 Colt cartridge. The 4 3/4 inch barrel bore is in fine condition with sharp lands and bright bore ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Model 1849 Colt was produced in 1851. The Colt's serial number is 24183. This Colt is a second year production pistol. It is chambered for the 31 caliber ball and conical bullet. This Colt is a 5 ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1943 or latter. The receiver is not the earlier detachable spring tube style. This carbine was not issued a serial number. This Presentation Carbine has all Winchester ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1949. The pistol's serial number is 755382. It has the 6 inch target barrel chambered for the 38 Special cartridge. The bore and chambers are bright with sharp lands. The act ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1940. The rifle's serial number is 103746. This rifle has the standard 23 inch round barrel chambered for the 22 Short, Long And Long Rifle. The sights are original sta ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This revolver was produced in 1959. The pistol's serial number is 21003. This pistol is fitted with the 6 inch barrel. The bore is in very fine to minty condition. The target sights are original ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
SOLD    This Colt was produced in 1981. The pistol's serial number is SA 50655. This Colt has the 7 1/2 Inch barrel chambered for the 357 Magnum cartridge. This pistol has the full nickel fi ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt Single Action Army was produced in 1930. The pistol's serial number is 353837. The 5 1/2 inch barrel is chambered for the 38 Colt Special. This is one of 82 standard frame Single Actions tha ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Civilian Model 1911 A1 was produced in 1926. The pistol's serial number is C 148354. This pistol has the correct civilian barrel chambered for the 45 A. C. P. cartridge. The bore does have some s ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1941. The pistol's serial number is 661033. This Colt is fitted with a heavy barrel marked target barrel chambered for the 38 Special Cartridge. The bore and chambers are in ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester Shotgun was produced in 1957. The shotgun's serial number is 264808. This gun has the 24 inch factory counter bored barrel. The receiver has the grooved top for mounting a scope. The b ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt was produced in 1956. The pistol's serial number is 45775 LW. This pistol is fitted with a 3 inch barrel chambered for the 22 Long Rifle cartridge. This pistol has the light weight alloy fra ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt Huntsman was produced in 1973. The pistol's serial number is 049012 S. This Colt has the 4 1/2 inch barrel chambered to shoot the 22 Long Rifle cartridge. This pistol is in near new conditio ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Winchester was produced in 1951. The rifle's serial number is 154842. It is a standard model chambered to shoot the 22 Short, Long And Long Rifle ammunition. The receiver is the round top style w ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Underwood M1 Carbine's barrel date is 2 44. The carbine's serial number is 4074610. The dated Underwood Barrel is the standard 18 inch barrel chambered for the 30 M1 Carbine cartridge. The bore i ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Late Model Winchester was produced in 1962. The rifle's serial number is 340828. This is the standard model with the 24 inch round barrel chambered to shoot the 22 Short, Long And Long Rifle. Thi ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This Colt Officers Model Pistol was produced in 1940. The pistol's serial number is 642983. This Colt is fitted with a heavy 6 inch target barrel. This Colt will shoot the 32 Colt New Police or the Sm ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
This pistol was produced in the 1980'S The pistol's serial number is M9 120608. It has the standard 4 3/4 inch barrel in new condition. This pistol shows no sign of being fired or used. The original f ...Click for more info
Seller: HLV Fine Guns
Area Code: 928
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