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Two american made schrade old timer knives with correct scheath.Larger is 10 1/ 2 inches. other is a skinner 9 inch Both Lifetime on pics to out my other listings .$ 75 each
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Blade is 4 in. Knife 8 1/2 overall.Like new condition seldom seem discontinued model. Lifetime warranty. click on pics to enlarge. ck out my other listings $ 100..
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As pictured Daisy model 25. works great . circa 1950 . Designed by charles lefever. seldom on pics to out my other listings.$150.delivered
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Made in the 50's .has seldom seen post w/ one horiziontal fine crosshair , crystal clear .has slight ring mark as on pics to out my other listings.$ 250.delivered.
...Click for more info new . SKB made. Airport approved w/ wheels.Never on pics to enlarge. ck out my other listings.$ 325 delivered.
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Crisp clear image in total darkness. High quality optics for max. light transmission. Diopter adjustment for clarity.Powerful infared illuminator to allow vision in total darkness. Adjustable Gain / B
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Like new w/ correct leather. 10 inches long. Lifetime warranty. Made in on pics to enlarge. ck out my other listings.$ 150 delivered.
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Two scopes . First NIB Crimson Trace crosshair .Second Dead Ringer New no box, crosshair.Crystal on pics to enlarge. CK out my other listings. $ 99 each
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Crystal clear optics , duplex crosshairs .made 1974
77 only Wideview .3x9 variable ,front AO 50 yards
1000 yards. ck out my other listings. Only $ 300. delivered
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Weaver K6 60 B1, El Paso, Texas, fine crosshairs, with rings, only $150.
also Tasco Pronghorn 4x32 with rings, $50
Bushnell 2.5x Banner with Weaver 1in rings, $ 60
Tasco 3 9x32, with rings, $50 , c
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Redfield Lo Pro Widefield 3x9x40. Duplex Crosshairs . Weaver K=6 el paso,Tex. Fine crosshairs and Lyman All American 4X. Fine Crosshairs.All scopes steel Americian made crystal clear on p
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WINCHESTER/ STETSON Collectors.Seldom Seen:3 X Beaver
not felt size 7 hat in original stetson box. Made 1981 only. Click on pics to enlarge.Free Layaway,ck out my other listings.$ 250.
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Three Never Seen Knives for purchase. First is the black handled EK Commando # 4 i believe .Marked korea ,vietnam ,ww2 1941 commando. it's legnth is 12 1/2 in long,blade is 7 in. w/ O D green sheath.
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Used once .As new with sun shield , Range Bag and raincoat.Night vision, gps and Wi Fi.can record your hunt too. Google everything else it does. Click on pics to enlarge.Lifetime Warranty.only $ 595
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Tasco pro point red dot scope with weaver rings for dovetail base. Adjustable illumination of red dot. Fits on all Rifles,Shotguns and Pistols.Simply aim red dot on target,and shoot,gets it everytime
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Three scopes : First is a Centerpoint 4 X 16 X 44 power with Duplex crosshairs, front adj. A O., third turrent adjustment is for lighted red/or green crosshairs also intensity for brightness. Crystal
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Prominar scope Ten power with front A O.Made by Kowa with rings. S/N : 307xx. Crosshairs ,crystal clear quality steel tube.Click on pics to enlarge,free layaway,ck out my other listings only .$ 195
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